Becoming a mom has been one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I can honestly say I’ve learned so much about myself having baby. The one thing I’ve learned about myself is that I am the mom I thought I would never have been. Meaning I had a long list of things I would never do as a mom. Admit it, we’ve all done it. I came up with a list of things I would never do with a baby.
Here I am six months in and I can literally said I’ve done about half the things I swore I would never do. It’s actually pretty funny and every new parent goes through it. Here are the top fives things I swore I would never do as a parent. Trust me I have more to share, but I didn’t want to give out all my secrets at once.
- Sit in the back seat of the car with the baby. I did it on the way home from the hospital and thought that would be the one and only time. Well it took me a good month to get into the front seat. I even reverted back on our first road trip and sat in the back with her. In fairness she was 3 months old and it was a 6 hour car drive. Also in fairness she slept the whole time and I did too, while Mike drove…he is a saint 🙂
- Fail to get dressed every day no matter what. I’m going to give myself a B- on this one. I actually got fully dressed less than I would have thought while on maternity leave. I did go through a phase where dry shampoo was the only shampoo being used, but I grew out of that one too. In the end leggings are comfy, but putting jeans on made me feel like a whole new woman!
- Teach some tough love lessons. Whether it was a bottle we were feeding her with or the formula, I wanted her to be flexible. I was going to switch things up on her all the time. I didn’t want her to develop any bad habits or get into a routine she couldn’t break. Everything has flown out the window because her smile melts my heart in a second and she can have whatever she wants. Oh the teenage years should be really good 🙂
- Wear my baby in a baby carrier. I always thought I wasn’t that type of person to carry a baby on me in a carrier. Having her in a stroller seemed more my speed. Turns out I actually love carrying her on me. She get a kick out of it and I feel like super mom for carrying an extra 16 pounds and not even noticing a difference.
- Make baby food …and here we are with today’s post!
I’m Making Baby Food
Yes, you read that correctly, I’m making baby food! I did a poll a while back on Instagram and 67% of you thought I was out of my mind for making baby food and 33% thought I was amazing for doing it! I always get a kick out of the poll results because I actually thought I was crazy too, until I found the Baby Brezza Glass One Step Food Maker. This thing is a game changer for making baby food!
The idea of making baby food is something I would have balked at in the past. Childless Amy would have said “I don’t have time to make baby food” or “oh please I’m not the baby food making type.” So flash forward with a 6 month old and I’m making baby food. Lesson learned…never say never 🙂 I also say don’t make your mind up on something you haven’t yet tried. You could be missing out on a really good opportunity. I wrote a post about it here.
When I stopped breastfeeding and starting using formula we invested in the Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced. It was an investment, it was $200 originally. I used a Buy Buy Baby coupon and got 20% off! I loved this machine since it made the first bottle. You can literally make a bottle in 2 seconds by the touch of a button. It was a life saver for those 2am feedings and even during the day when hell broke loose because she needed to eat RIGHT NOW. Not only was the technology genius, the design was top notch too. I didn’t mind keeping this out on the counter next to the Keurig.
So when I saw the Baby Brezza Food Maker I knew it would be a great product as well. In full disclosure I was gifted the Baby Brezza Food Maker, but after using it I would have purchased it outright. It costs $159 retail, but with my promo code LOVEBB25 you can get 25% off plus free shipping, which is over a $30 savings! You need to buy it direct through their site, which can be found here. Before you buy it, let me tell you why I love this machine so much!
One Step Food Making
The food maker can make up to 4 cups of food in one easy step! The control panel comes equipped with three cook settings:
Steam & Blend
Steam Only
Blend Only
Your cook setting selection will depend on which food you are making. The steam options include a timed setting that is based on the food you are making. It is literally a set it and forget it type of appliance.
The food maker comes with a quick reference guide for the most popular foods. If you and your baby are really adventurous you can find more directions for exotic foods on the internet. Based on the guide book you can have fresh homemade baby food in 10 minutes.
Easy To Clean
Clean up with the food maker is simple and easy. All the parts come apart and are cleanable. There is no confusion about how the pieces are put together either, it’s very intuitive. Simply pop apart the pieces, wash them and let them dry. I personally hand wash mine. I throw it in with the bottles I’m washing and let them air dry on the drying rack(I have this one and it’s modern and blends in with my kitchen)
Using the Baby Food Maker
The first meal I made in the food maker was sweet potatoes. I was super excited because I could have fresh baby food in minutes for my baby. Lizzie on the other hand had other ideas about her excitement level. Which I’ll share more about later.
Prep was easy. I peeled the potatoes, cut them into ¼ inch cubes and placed them in the machine. I selected the steam option for 25 minutes based on the user guide and watched the magic happen. The user guide suggested I used the Steam & Blend option, however said I wanted to do each step separate as it was the first time using the machine.
During the steam process you can see the machine working. Steam is coming out the top and the food is getting softer. At the end of the steam process I added a little bit of water into the container to blend. The user guide suggested that to thin out the purée more. In hindsight I should have added more to make it less thick. But I can perfect my recipe over time.
Be sure to let the food cool before feeding your baby. During the cooling time I put my fresh food in small containers. I picked up these disposal travel cups on Amazon and they are amazing. They have built in lids and they do not leak. In addition, they are great for travel and freezing. And speaking of Amazon, I link all my favorite baby items in my store, so be sure to check it out here.
Overall I was surprised at how easy the machine was to use and how quickly I was able to make homemade baby food.
Up next…carrots! I love picking up these guys at the farmers market, they are so cute!
Check out the Baby Brezza Glass Food Maker in action
Get the Baby Brezza Glass Food Maker for 25% off plus free shipping with code LOVEBB25. Find the food maker here!
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