Define Your Own Life Timeline

Summer Work Dress

Summer is here!  This summer is especially exciting because I’m dressing for the office.  Let me explain…the last time I was in the office working during summer was 2019!  Yes, that’s crazy!  For the summer of 2020 and 2021 I worked from home due to the pandemic and in 2022 I was on maternity leave.  So here we are in 2023 and I’m back in the office.  The summer work dress reigns supreme in my closet, it’s what I live for!  I love wearing dresses in the summer to work and finding the perfect one or ten can sometimes be a challenge.  


Summer Dresses For Work

The summer work dress is a sweet spot in retail.  The dress has to be dressy enough to not look like a sundress, yet lightweight and comfortable.  I walk over a mile to work each way and being comfortable i.e. not sweating my rear end off is a top priority.  For the times I do sweat I want to be able to wash my dress at home and not dry clean it. I don’t mind a few dry clean dresses, but its a pain. 

Which leads me to my criteria for a summer work dress:

  • Machine washable
  • Lightweight fabric
  • Mid to longer length (think knee to mid caf)

It’s not a huge list and of course I want it to be cute and have pockets, but pockets aren’t a deal breaker for me.  


I’ve rounded up some of my favorite summer work dresses for you.  The dress I’m wearing is included.  It’s from Ann Taylor and the cutest shirt dress I’ve seen in a while.   Enjoy!

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