Outfit Details:
Today marks two months of living in our new condo! I can’t even believe so much time has passed. I also can’t believe that we are still settling into the place. I’ve never technically moved before so this was a huge shock to me. You are probably confused with the fact that a 38 year old woman has never technically moved in her life, so let me explain.
When I left my parents house I moved into the condo I bought . I slowly moved out and slowly set up my new place. It took a month or so, and I had a furniture delivery here and there. I showed up the last day with my clothes and technically moved in. When I moved in with Mike, after we got married, the same thing happened. I didn’t have to be out of my place right away since we were renting it so I took my time. We literally moved my whole condo with two large boxes in the back of my car over several weeks.
So when we moved to our new condo it was an orchestrated move out with professional movers, storage, a two week hotel stay and another move in date. What we have is way too much furniture, nearly 100 boxes, and chaos! Needless to say it was a huge shock to me how much work went into it. Let me also mention I was in my first trimester of my pregnancy and exhausted. Ok, lets be honest, I would have wanted to take multiple naps even if I wasn’t pregnant 🙂
We started to unpack room by room starting with the living room/kitchen and bedroom. When unpacking the kitchen we put away what we could, but without much thought or organization. We lived with silverware in plastic bags for a month before getting drawer organizers. Yes plastic bags! I thought packing silverware in them would keep everything together and it did! It wasn’t pretty though. We ended up getting organizers and officially putting the stuff away in the cabinets.
I love to have everything super organized and in its place. Clutter is a no go in the house, especially in the kitchen. I personally would have nothing on the counters in the kitchen if I could. I’ve always lived under the assumption that the house should look like its ready to be sold at any moment. I realize these are completely crazy expectations and that I will drive myself crazy trying to achieve them, but I still try.
Mike on the other hand constantly reminds me that having a Keurig sitting out is perfectly normal and acceptable in the kitchen…I’m still warming up to the idea :). Which brings me to the hilarious topic of where to place the garbage can in the kitchen. I’m a garbage can sitting out type of gal, while Mike is a garbage can hidden type of guy. AHHH! Whatever are we going to do?
In my old place I had the most beautiful Simple Human garbage can and I loved it! When moving in with Mike there was no room for it so we used his garbage can which he kept under the kitchen sink. He’s always lived with the garbage can under the sink. Let me tell you having it under the sink, drives me up the wall!!
In our new condo I knew we had the space and the opportunity to have a garbage can sit. And I felt that it would be beneficial to our quality of life. I took this serious! In order to make this argument I had to have the perfect garbage can for the space. Which is why I naturally thought of the Simple Human Rectangular Step Can. This garbage can is the Cadillac of garbage cans!
The Simple Human Rectangular Step can is actually stunning! You can select from six color options to match your home decor. I went with a brushed nickel which matches my stainless steel appliances perfectly. All Simple Human cans have an invisible fingerprint coating that protects the can from smudges and germs. Overall the can is sleek, smooth and modern looking.
Space Saver
Being a space saver is a main feature. The can isn’t bulky, its sleek and compact. Each can varies in size, and features a design that allows it to be out in the open. This is ideal for any kitchen, but essential in a condo. We don’t have a ton a space, but still want to have an ideal kitchen. The Simple Human can easily fits against a wall or next to an island without sticking out and taking up precious floor space.
The can is built for people with a busy lifestyle. I use the can a lot and the easy steel pedal will clearly last. You can never step to hard on it, it’s always a smooth step to open the can. Its build to withstand 20 steps a day for 20 years! And the liner rim holds the bag in place without being seen. It completely conceals the trash bag from sight. All you see is a beautiful silver can.
The can also has a liner pocket that holds up to 20 extra garbage bags. No more searching for the bags that you store somewhere else, they are right there for you to use and see. It makes for changing the bag out a simple and quick task that you don’t dread.
Can you fall in love with a garbage can? I think I can! Let me know if you have a Simple Human Can and why you love it!
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