Have the winter blues set in yet for you guys? I hope not! There is so much to look forward too! Don’t get me wrong, I love to sit inside on a snowy day and do nothing, but I can only do that one to two days a month. I know that when January rolls around I have all these grand plans of projects to start, for the house, for the blog and for my personal development. Come February and I still have nothing started. Anyone else in the same boat? Where is the self motivation?
Well I’ve got you covered on how to start on all those great ideas you have. It’s a simple plan with five steps that will help you tackle any project and just start. I even use this technique for blog posts. Keep reading for your dose of self motivation!
Clear Your Mind
Most of us have 1,000 thoughts running through our head at any given moment. Clear all of those thoughts out of your mind. Focus on the project or task at hand. Everything else can wait, I promise you. Put away any distractions, like your phone, and just focus.
Confirm Your Passion
Now that you have your focus item at the top of your mind keep repeating it to yourself. Say it out loud and with intention. Saying it out loud will provide you with confirmation that this is your passion (for life or at the moment). It will get you focused on the task.
Create A List
My favorite part! Write it all down, write every little thing down. Start with the project/task at the top of the page in big bold letters. Next write down everything you can think of related to this topic. This is the brainstorming phase. You will want to get all your thoughts written down. You can go back later and organize this list. Nothing is too small to add to this list.
Find Someone To Hold You Accountable
This step is key to success. Having someone, besides yourself, to hold you accountable is the key to achieving success. You will always find an excuse to not do something, but another person will make you do it. I believe that being publicly shamed is a great way to achieve anything. It’s why I workout in classes with other people. I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of people and try harder when others are around.
Set Goals
You’ve put in all the work, now set goals and have something to work towards. I like to set a few attainable goals and a couple big stretch goals. This may be cheating, but it boosts confidence. Set a goal you know you can achieve and then set a goal you know you have to really hustle to achieve. Reaching any goal is a huge accomplishment!
Looking for more self motivation? How about financial self motivation? Check out my post on how to save money here.
Let me know if you have other ways to get started on projects and how you self motivate. We can all use a little help sometimes.
Hi, I loved your article! I feel the same about January: full of unachieved plans, and projects and this month clearly has a lack of motivation
Thank you! And yes, January is often the hardest month to get things done!