Fashion Details:
Today’s post is a good one and a personal one. This past Sunday my phone notification goes off and I see that my average daily screen time is averaging 4 hours. I immediately want to die! I’m spending 4 hours a day on my phone. That is insane and inappropriate! Does anyone else feel like this? This small notification really got me thinking especially about two things. #1 – What am I doing or not doing all day long? And #2 – all this screen time cannot be healthy for my mind, body or soul. Something has to change immediately in my life. Immediately!
Daily Screen Time
I wanted to really examine what I am doing all day and why my screen time (on just my phone) is so large. However, screen time on my phone isn’t the only screen time I get. I work in an office and I’m on the computer at least 8 hours a day, as it’s part of the job. In addition, I come home and blog for 1 to 2 hours a night. I also spend at least an hour on my phone on social media or researching brands and blogs. At a minimum I’m having 11 hours of screen time a day.
Once you add in sleep (I get about 8 hours a night) that only leaves me with 5 hours a day when I am awake and not staring at any type of screen. I’m not a doctor, but I know that this cannot be good for me or anyone. I for sure know it’s horrible for me because I can tell that my health is negatively correlated to the amount of screen time I have.
My Health
I know when I have too much screen time, because the symptoms hit me like a ton of bricks. My main problem is migraines, ocular migraines to be specific. For those of you who don’t know, an ocular migraine starts out with your vision being altered. You see small orbs in your line of site. It’s like a squiggly line moving throughout and distorting your vision. When I had my first one, I thought I was losing my sight.
When my vision comes back to normal, I experience the most intense headache ever and usually get knocked out by exhaustion immediately afterwards. I can be out for 12 hours at a time. So basically I lose half a day or more when I experience one.
While no doctor has confirmed this for me, I believe they are directly related to how long I stare at the screen. My eyes cannot handle all of that. There is a direct correlation between my screen time and the frequency of my screen time.
The other issue for me is neck and back pain. I’m constantly strained and hunched over looking at my phone or the computer screen. My body wasn’t made to sit like this and it hurts! I’m constantly trying to stretch out my neck and shoulders.
Why I Want To Reduce Screen Time
There isn’t one driving reason why I want to reduce my screen time. Instead there are a bunch of little reasons why I want to reduce my screen time.
I’m doing this for a few reasons.
Monkey See, Monkey Do
I don’t want Lizzie to pick up on my bad habits and being on my phone is a bad habit. Whether I’m at home or out I want her to see genuine social interactions and learn from that.
Health Comes First
I’m not getting any younger and if can control something that has to do with my health, I’m going to do it.
Live Life
If I’m spending that much time on my phone or computer, I am clearly missing out on something in my life. I don’t want to miss a moment with Lizzie or Mike so I need to put my phone down.
My Plan To Reduce Screen Time
Setting Limits
This includes limiting what I am doing on my phone and when. For example, I no longer check all my social media apps in the morning. I turn off my alarm and get out of bed to start my day. I’m way more productive and am getting ready faster.
Set Scheduled Times
Let’s face it, I have to use social media for my blog, it’s part of the hustle. I’m setting times to post to social media and also time to engage. While I love blogging and engaging with followers, I also love engaging my family. Being present is a huge priority for me.
Move My Apps
I have created a couple new folders on my phone. I now have a social media folder where I house all my social media apps. Having the apps in one place makes my use of them intentional. I have to go to the folder and get into the app. This is one more step than just having the app on my main page.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Having my phone out of reach is a simple way to stay off of it. When I get home from work I keep my phone in my purse and my purse in the front hallway. It’s a total chore to get up and get it from the living room so I rarely reach for it.
I’ve already started to put my plan to work and I can’t wait to see the results. Check back to see how (hopefully) it’s changing my life. And stay tuned for my upcoming post about screen time and kids. I’ll be sharing what our screen time policy is for my one year old. It may shock you!
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