Meal planning is a huge thing in our house. It’s truly a necessary evil. I hate doing it, but have to do it for an efficient after work/after school routine. I find that planning out our family dinners and having a prepared shopping list ahead of time makes it so much easier to handle. Meal planning is a giant task and I have a whole post about how to make it easy which includes templates for a menu and shopping list. I also give away a few of my favorite weeknight recipes. You can find that post here.
Monthly Meal Plans
In this post I want to share what we are actually eating each month. I find so much useful information on the internet that makes my life easier. So if sharing my monthly meal plan is helpful to you, I’m so happy.
A few things to note about planning my monthly meals. I do what is easiest for me based on my schedule. I also try to prep the dinner the night before to save time after work. There are times I can’t and that’s ok too. I only cook 5 nights a week, the other two days are “find it, make it, eat it” night, take out or we go out to eat. I also try so hard to stick to this, I rarely change the menu once I lock it in. This takes discipline, but I find that it just works best to follow through with your plan.
October Monthly Menu
Here is my October Monthly Menu.
Steak, Steak Butter and Sweet Potatoes
Chicken Parmesan and Pasta Marinara
Chicken Fajitas
Shrimp Bowls (cooked shrimp served cold or hot, carrots, cucumbers, edamame beans, pineapple, rice and bang bang sauce)
Meatballs and Cauliflower
Pork Kabobs and Risotto
Slow Cooker Chicken Enchiladas
Chicken Nuggets and Green Beans
Slow Cooker Pork Carnitas and Chips and Guacamole
Grilled Chicken and Trader Joe Orzo Salad
Marinara Pasta and Salad
Traders Joe’s Night – Orange Chicken and Beef Bulgogi
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