Confession time…when I was pregnant with Lizzie everyone would say “it goes so fast” and I would kind of cringe. Flash forward a couple years and golly they were right, it goes so fast! And ever since Lizzie was born I wanted to find a way to capture all the cute things she did or say and share them with her one day.
My parents tell the best stories about me as a kid. Some of them I remember and some of them I was too little to remember. Like the time I watched Calamity Jane and cried at the sad parts. And one I remember to this day is how I wanted to be the person that waved the checkered flag at the end of the Indy 500. I would actually practice for it too! And I still think it would be a pretty cool job. But these are the stories that make childhood so great.
And when Lizzie is older I will tell her stories too, but I wanted her to have a special place to have these stories written down. That’s why I decided to write Lizzie a letter every month. Monthly letters to my child. I know what you are all thinking…that’s way too ambitious! And while I agree, I’m still doing it! Each month I write Lizzie a short letter and tell her everything she accomplished that month and why we love her so much! Check out how I’m doing it.
Monthly Letters to My Child
I first started my monthly letters to my child by selecting a cute stationary that I could order in bulk. You can find a bunch of options on Minted and get inspired to create your own. You can also find a graphic on Etsy and create your own stationary in Canva. Ordering your stationary on Canva can save you a lot of money. And you can always print more if you run out.
Each letter is written to Lizzie and shares a fun story of something she did. If we went on a trip I would share that in the letter too. I also put down any cute sayings she has and remind her what she loves. Some months I just list a bunch of things she did, there is no formality. I just want her to have these memories.
In each card I insert a photo of Lizzie and one of the three of us. Truth be told I’m not a huge picture person. I know that sounds crazy, considering I post a photo every day on IG and have a blog, but pictures aren’t my thing. I have a very limited number of pictures of people around my house. In fact, I have about 4 pictures in the house. One of me and Mike on our wedding day, one when Lizzie was born and two current pictures of Lizzie. But just because I’m not into pictures doesn’t mean Lizzie is going to be the same way. I want her to have pictures of her growing up and pictures of her parents.
Right now I’m keeping them in a box for her. I have no idea when I’m going to give them to her or if she will even read all of them. But I know that she will have them and can do what she wants with them. And yes, I hope she loves them too!
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