Outfit Details:
If you guys have been following me closely the last month or so you will know that I recently moved! While we are officially in our new place, the journey to get here wasn’t the smoothest. We sold our condo in 2 days, which was amazing, however they wanted us out in less than 30 days. Things aligned and we ended up getting our dream place in 4 days and they agreed to move out quickly too. This whole experience presented a lot of life lessons.
Things couldn’t have started off more perfectly and then it all came off the tracks. We had a couple issues on the new place and the closing got delayed. We also wanted to have the floor redone in the space and needed to do it before we moved in. All of this combined made us homeless for two weeks. We ended up staying in 5 different hotel in those two weeks! It started out fun, but the novelty wore off quickly.
Living in a hotel was always a dream of mine. I grew up with Eloise and Dylan McKay from 90210, and both lived in hotels. It seemed so fun and glamorous…well, it’s not 🙂 Living in a hotel for two weeks gave me a lot of time to think about life and my new condo. Looking back (I’m barely two weeks out from the situation) I learned a few life lessons. These life lessons are something everyone should know, so I’m sharing them with you!
Change the Water Daily
Most hotels offer free water in the lobby. If it’s a fancy hotel they change the kind of water they offer daily. From lemon water to cucumber water, it rotates from day to day. So how does this relate to real life? Well….switch things up daily to break up your routine. Take a different walk or drive to work, or mix up your afternoon coffee break and get something else else like a tea or smoothie. Keeping things fresh and exciting allows you to not get stuck in a rut or bored with life. It keeps you on your toes!
Service With a Smile
Did you ever notice that everyone who works in a hotel is always smiling and always helpful? I know its their job, but I’m sure they have bad days too. Take this tip and use it in your daily life. A little smile or helpfulness can go a long way. I know it’s hard to be happy all the time (bad days do happen), but try. When you are down or frustrated in life and you interact with others they can feel that. While it might not be directed at them or intentional, they can feel it. Try to smile when talking to others for a whole day and see how it goes. Forcing yourself to smile will actually change your attitude and make you feel better.
Tiny House Living
When we moved out of our two-bedroom condo into a 300 square foot hotel room we downsized significantly. Technically we had to put everything in storage, but we still had to downsize. I was amazed at how comfortable I was still able to live without having everything I thought I needed. We literally had the essentials, a bed, a tv a small chaise lounge and I had more than enough with just that. It really made me question all the non essential things I have in my life and if I really need them. It might be time for me to declutter in the new place.
Less is More
I love clothes and shopping, I’m a blogger for God’s sake, but do I really need all this stuff? I’m really starting to question that. For my two week hotel stay I packed what I thought I needed, clothes wise. Turns out I overpacked big time. I found myself wearing the same shorts and tops on the weekends. I also rotated through the same seven dresses for work. Do I really need 25 dresses or can I make it with 10? I should probably revisit my 5 pieces 5 outfits post and start to create more options.
Distractions Are Everywhere
When I am in my home I blame my un-productivity on house chores and cleaning up. I find myself not having enough time to blog or get other life tasks done because I have a home to take care of. This is complete BS and we need to stop telling ourselves this lie. I lived in 300 square feet for two weeks and found ways to not focus on the blog, planning for my move or trying to get ahead at work. One of the biggest life lessons I learned is that I don’t have time in life because I get lazy. I sit on social media for an hour and can’t get off the couch. If there is a distraction out there you will find it. You have to block that out and put your mind to accomplishing your goals and to-do lists.
Bonus Life Lesson
If you find the right person to make a life with you can get through anything! And I truly did find the right person in life. I always knew that Mike was The One and now I know 100%. During our hotel stay in a tiny room he never once got on my nerves nor did I ever want to get away from him. I actually loved living in a 300 square foot tiny room with him and would do it everyday!
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