Thank you to Fellowes for sponsoring this post and a huge thanks to you, my readers, for supporting the brands that keep Later Ever After going!
Hello friends!
I’m cutting to the chase today because today’s post is about being efficient while working from home. Whether your full time job allows it or you do your side hustle out of your home, working from home is a huge perk and obtaining the perfect work at home balance can be difficult. I’m helping you out though and sharing four tips to work efficiently from home. So let’s get to it.
Tip One – Pretend Like You Are Going To The Office
Working from home can really affect your mindset, you might think you aren’t actually going to work. So you may need to trick yourself into thinking you are going to an office. This means doing all the things that you would normally do when you go to the office.
Start by getting dressed for work. It’s super easy to roll out of bed, turn on your computer and start working. While you are technically working, your mind might still be in bed. Get fully dressed, do your hair and makeup, then start working. One of my motos is “dress good, do good” and this applies for working from home.
Another way to trick yourself that you are going into the office is to pack your lunch. Meal prepping my lunch each night is part of my routine. It takes a few extra minutes, but I don’t have to stress about it in the morning and it also saves me money. Same goes for working at home. Having my lunch already prepared takes away staring aimlessly at the fridge for an hour deciding what to eat.
The same goes for snacking. Have healthy snacks in the house and have set snack times. When I’m in the office, I try to only snack when I’m actually hungry. Which can happen around 11am and 3pm. I’m like a clock! When hunger calls I grab some almonds or trail mix to take the edge off. Keep those snacks in your house too.
Tip Two – Define Your Work Day
Ensuring that your day has structure is what will make it a successful day when working from home. Defining your work day includes setting working hours and scheduling out your day. Doing these simple tasks will set you up for success.
It’s easy to keep the computer on until 7pm and keep checking in, but that’s not fair to you or your work. You need to devote time to working and time to being at home. So set hours for yourself based on how you normally work. If you are an early bird, start early and end early. If you do the best later in the day then start a little later.
Make a To-Do List and stick to it. Every night I prepare a list for the next day. I do it the old fashion way with pen and paper, but you can use technology to create it too. Making a to-do list allows me to see the full scope of what needs to be completed and prioritize it accordingly.
On that to-do list be sure to schedule a lunch break. You deserve a break too when you work from home. Take that lunch you made the night before and eat it outside. Or go for a walk on lunch or remove yourself from your work space. Just take a break and let your mind take a rest. You deserve it!
Tip Three – Discover Your Work Style
The best person who knows your work ethic is you. You know when you are the most productive and the least productive. I’m an early bird, I get the most done early in the morning and start to fade later in the day. Knowing this about myself lets me plan my day. I pack a lot in early in the morning and start to fade by the end of the day.
Knowing this about myself means I always tackle the hardest task first. When you are the freshest and most rested is when you are at your best. Tackle the hardest thing on your list and get it out of the way. You will thank yourself later, trust me!
Tip Four – Build a Permanent Work Space
Setting up your work space at home is vital to successfully working from home. There is no way that you can effectively work from home from your couch, PERIOD. Now space may be an issue and you may not have a defined “office” in your house, but you need to create one.
Set up the kitchen table as a desk or grab a small wall desk, like this one and make a defined work space. Having this defined space will get you in the right mindset for working. The right workspace also means having the right chair.
Meet The Elea Chair
I wanted to have a chair that that provides me with proper support throughout the day and also looks aesthetically pleasing. Living in a condo means making the most of a small space. This summer I created an Urban Oasis on my tiny balcony and now I’m creating the home office of my dreams in a tiny space too.
Function that looks good is key to my lifestyle. There is no room in my condo that isn’t used on a daily basis. And most likely one room serves two purposes. The living room is also the playroom. And the master bedroom is also the office. Having furniture that isn’t cobbled together and looks good is important to me.
I was so excited to find the Elea chair which is designed by Fellowes. You may know Fellowes as an office company, but they also create functional seating that literally moves with your body!
All the standard features that come with an office chair such as height adjustment, tilt lock (with 3 adjustable settings) and adjustable tension (that allows you to lean back) are offered with the Elea chair, but it also has so much more.
The Elea chair is made exquisitely with alloy steel rods that help support their patent-pending Omni-Kinetic Suspension Technology. That technology literally moves your body, allowing you to stay active even while sitting all day long. The seat moves with your natural motions. And the constant movement makes your feel better and active throughout the day.
The contoured design supports natural spinal alignment and lumbar position. The breathable mesh backing on the chair allows air to flow throughout the day creating comfort and fighting the dreaded all-day sitting fatigue.
Who knew an office chair could do so much? What I absolutely love about the Elea chair is the sleek, sophisticated look that works for my body and my home. The Elea chair increases my mind and body wellness throughout the day.
With the Elea chair working from home has never been better with, it’s where form meets function.
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