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2020 has been a crazy year. Never in a million years would I imagine that I’d go from working in an office 5 days a week to working from home full time. At this point I am personally 12 weeks into full time work from home and I have at least another 12 weeks to go. While my productivity is enhanced at home, I do worry that no one is seeing my face daily and that they will forget about me. I worry about how to stay relevant at work. Anyone else feel this way?
I’m a product of my environment though. I’ve been working in an office for 18 years and I feel that people need to see me to know I’m working. I’ve been trying to shift my mindset though. At the end of the day I am still producing the same high quality work and getting the same results. I know my value add and know that my co-workers and boss do too. However, I still let that fear of being relevant creep back in now and then.
In order to push myself through these fears I’ve come up with five things on how to stay relevant at work when you aren’t physically there. These are simple things that everyone can do. They will provide you with the safety you want to feel and also enhance your presence while not physically in the office.
How To Stay Relevant At Work
Always Join Calls With Video
If you are invited to a meeting and there is an option to join with video, you should. Never join with just audio (unless there are technical issues). Show your face! While a lot of people are experiencing “Zoom Fatigue” it’s still nice to see everyone in person. I’ve actually gotten to know my colleague better during quarantine. If I was in the office I would call on the phone, but being at home I jump on my video and we chat.
Speak Up
It’s one thing to be seen, you have to be heard too, so speak up! When you’ve joined the meeting on video you also need to contribute to the meeting. Offer up an opinion or ask a question. It will show you are engaged and thinking. Keep in mind there are no stupid questions, if you are thinking about it chances are high someone else is too.
Maintain Water Cooler Talk
Part of the reason I enjoy going to the office is the social aspect of it. I enjoy my co-workers and catching up with them. I get some of my best restaurant and TV show recommendations from them. Yes, I can send them a text, but I want to see their faces. So I’ve been Facetiming them or setting up catch-ups to check in. I’m also missing all conversations about clothes. I’m still keeping those going, but they have shifted from the best work dress to the best work from home dress.
Set Up Check Ins With Your Boss
If you don’t already have a regular check-in with your boss scheduled, get them on the calendar now. When you’re in the office its easy to stop by and have a quick chat with your boss. Working from home it is not as easy. Put 30 minutes on their calendar to give your boss an update on what you are working on. You can also use the time to strategize your next promotion or raise. If you need tips on that check out my tips for negotiating a raise and/or promotion here.
Volunteer For Projects
Work hasn’t stopped, which means there is always work to do. Volunteer for projects as you normally would and even pick it up a bit. Volunteering for projects is a great way to stay in the know at work and become a subject matter expert. It also shows your boss that you are still willing to put in the effort for the team. So ahead and volunteer the next time there is a project. It is a great example on how to stay relevant at work.
Connections and Coffee
Working virtually means there a lot more emails and a lot less going over to someone’s desk to talk. It can be challenging to adapt, however my Insta friend Jenna from Career Civility has a great way to bridge the gap here. She capitalizes on those emails and responds directly to the person engaging with an idea or looking to further the conversation with a virtual coffee. It’s a great way to have that personal connection when working from home. Be sure to follow her on Instagram too, as she is always giving out relevant, tangible advice about civil communication.
And if I was headed to the office I would for sure be wearing this outfit. It’s simple and classic yet looks so polished when paired together. Wide leg pants are the ultimate work pant. They can be worn year round and offer a tailored look, even though they are a wide leg pant. And the top is a simple knit. The longer short sleeve makes this top look dressier and more office appropriate than a traditional short sleeve tee.
If you want to be “back to work” ready you can use code LATEREVERAFTER20 to get 20% off my entire look at MM LaFleur. Please note this code is good for first time customers only.
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