What defines success for you? Is it getting a promotion? Getting a raise? Or is it accomplishing a huge project? Whatever it is, we all define success differently. How we achieve that success is more similar. What comes to mind first is hard work. No questions asked, you need to put in the time to get the end result. Nothing in life comes easy.
There are other factors besides hard work that lead to being successful at work though. These factors don’t actually involve the work you’re doing in your job, it involves the work you are doing in life. Being successful at work doesn’t only happen at work, it happens in your everyday life, outside of work.
I’m a huge believer in separating my work time from my personal time. I’m a also a huge fan pulling double duty. Meaning the things I love to do on my personal time can also improve my work life. Win, win for me! Take a look at how to be successful at work. You actually might be doing some of them without even knowing it.
The best thing you can do for yourself is read. Reading keeps your mind active and continues to build your vocabulary. You should keep your options open when reading. Different types of reading will keep you sharp.
Reading for pleasure is the first type of reading you should do. I have a fiction novel next to my bed and read a few pages every night. I switch this up with non-fiction from time to time with something that is not work related.
Reading for work is another type of reading to stay on top of. I’m talking about industry related literature. If you work in finance read the Wall Street Journal every morning. Whatever you read make it related to your specific job. This will keep you fresh and expand your knowledge of your field.
Reading books that enhance your professional development are also important. This type of reading will allow you to take it up a notch at work. Some of my favorite professional development books are Leave Your Mark and Basic Black.
Networking is the key to success in all aspects of life. The more people you know the more you will know. Networking does a few things for you. First, it improves your social skills and forces you to put down the phone and use your good old fashion speaking skills.
Second, it provides an opportunity to know more people in your industry. Do you know those people at work that magically know everyone? It’s because they network and they use their skills to get to know even more people.
Third, it may help you get your foot in the door. If you are in the market for a new job or are looking to fill a role at your company, your network can help you do that. It’s a small world after all so wouldn’t you want to know more people.
It’s good to give back! Share your skills with others and teach them something new. Volunteering, even a couple hours each month, feels so good. Whether you volunteer through a work sponsored event or on your own, getting involved is good for you personally.
To find an organization for which to volunteer, check social media, talk to friends, use your network or look within your community. There are always opportunities to volunteer.
Take Up A Hobby
Fill up your free time with something you love to do and in turn you will find a new hobby. Hobbies have come a long way these days. If you love drinking wine take a wine class to learn more about it. There is a class for just about everything these days. Getting out and learning a new craft or trade will enhance your social skills and develop your mind to continue to learn.
All work and no play makes for a boring life. You can’t be chained to work 24 hours a day, you have to have a little you time. You need to unwind and shut off your work brain and I would suggest trying to do it a few times a week at the least.
We all have to check emails after hours once and awhile, but make a conscious effort to not check email after 7pm a few nights a week. Shutting off the work brain will let you relax and focus on your personal life. If you need tips on how to relax you can check out my self-care post here.
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