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Happy Holidays! OMG can you believe that Thanksgiving in around the corner? That means that lots of family time and holiday travel are upon us. It also means a lot of unneeded stress around holiday travel. To help out I’m sharing 10 tips for easy holiday travel.
My family is local so before I met Mike I never traveled on a holiday. I simply drove out to the burbs to be with my family. Mike is from Ohio though and means we travel for the holidays now.
Our approach to holiday travel has always been pretty fair and it has evolved over the years. At first we split Thanksgiving, one year with my family and one year with Mike’s. We also saw both families on Christmas. That meant would spend Christmas Eve with one family and fly on Christmas Day to be with the other family. We did that for a few years and it got to be a bit much.
So we decided to alternate the two holidays. Thanksgiving with one family and Christmas with the other. The following year we switch. Prior to switching traveling on the actual holiday was hard. I longed to be in my home to celebrate the holiday. I also felt bad that people had to work on those holidays so I could travel.
This year I am pumped! We are celebrating our first Christmas in our condo (you can see why we moved into this condo in this post here) and Lizzie’s first Christmas. There are no words to describe my excitement!!!!
However traveling all those years on the holidays has made me somewhat of a pro. To help ease the holiday travel stress I’m sharing my 10 tips to for easy holiday travel.
The Tips
Clean Your House Before You Leave – There is nothing better than coming home to a clean house. Hustle your rear end off to clean up your place before you depart. Doing this will let you relax and de-stress when you arrive home. I recently got my dream vacuum, the Dyson V8 Absolute and I’m in love! It’s in investment and I’ve been saving for a while to get it.
Bring a Travel Steamer – Steaming your clothes is 100 times easier than ironing them. It’s also better to steam certain materials that your will most likely be wearing around the holidays.
Make a List – Making a list will take the guesswork out of what to pack. I have stood in front of the suitcase countless times swearing I have everything I need and guess what I always forget something. Make a list, keep it in your suitcase and bring it out when you are packing.
Ship Your Presents – Don’t take up precious room in your suitcase, ship presents ahead of time. Or you are really good, order the presents and wrapping supplies on Amazon and have them waiting when you arrive at your destination.
Bring the Comforts Of Home – Whether you are at a hotel or a family members home you still want your own home. Bring something to remind you of home. It could be a pillowcase or slippers. Just have something that makes you feel at home, no matter where you are.
Put An Extra Charger In Your Suitcase – Best idea ever, this way you never have to remember to pack it.
BYOWB – Bring Your Own Water Bottle 🙂 Stay hydrated when traveling. Most airports and rest stops have dedicated placed to fill up your water bottle. Take advantage of these, save the money by buying in on the go. Plus you’ll always have water with even when you arrive.
Have $5 Gift Cards on Hand – Working on a holiday stinks (as does traveling on one), but recognizing stellar service on a holiday is a must. Pass out a gift card to someone who goes above and beyond for you, it will make their day.
Don’t Get Caught Hangry – I always bring snacks, even on a regular day in my purse. Keep some nuts or a KIND Bar with you. When you are starving you will thank yourself!
Pack Sensibly – Plan ahead and pack items that can be re-worn and intermixed. A great place to start is my winter essentials, you can find them here LINK. If you are going on a longer trip then you should check out my Winter Vacation Packing List , where I show you want to pack and how to wear it when you arrive!
Smile – You have no idea the value of your smile. Your smile will get you A LOT further when you are in a pinch. And trust me holiday plans never go as planned, NEVER.
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