Outfit Details:
I hate to admit, but some of the items I am wearing are currently sold out. Huge bummer! I’ve linked similar items that I love just as much!
It finally got chilly in Chicago, which meant I got to bust out a sweater before my bump gets too big to wear it! We took a day off from the normal errands and house work on Saturday and enjoyed hanging out around Chicago. And our idea of the perfect weekend day is up at 6am, out the door by 7am for a walk to breakfast and the farmers market, followed by a late brunch, some lounging and an early dinner and drinks (for Mike only these days). It’s funny how when you get older, getting up early to be productive is the perfect way to spend the weekend day.
On Sunday I took more time to do nothing and watched The Greatest Showman for the fifth time, yes the fifth time. The Greatest Showman is my second all time favorite movie. You are probably wondering what could be her first? Well, it’s Guarding Tess….I know most of you never heard of it, but it’s a really great movie!
When I first saw The Greatest Showman I was hooked, the story line was magical, the music was catchy and I wanted more. I found myself researching the actual story of BT Barnum and listening to the sound track on repeat. That must be what happens when you get older and watch movies! I even walk to work listening to the soundtrack every day. It is so addicting.
At this point I have every word in every song from the The Greatest Showman memorized. Because not only do I listen to the songs, I also analyze the lyrics. Yes, I’m a total nerd!! But the lyrics of the songs are actually great life lessons from which everyone can benefit. My top favorite lyrics from the movie that are also life’s greatest lessons are below. Keep reading for the details. And if you haven’t seen the movie or listened to the soundtrack yet, you are missing out! Go watch and listen right now!!!
Lyrical Lesson
“When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I’m gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
I am brave, I am bruised
I am who I’m meant to be, this is me”
What It Means To Me
Sticks and stone can break my bones, but names will never hurt me. A fresh spin on classic childhood lesson. Don’t listen to the haters, don’t let their words drag you down or break your spirit. All the mistakes, failures and lessons learned are who makes you the person you are. Wear those lessons proudly and let them shape the person you are. This is such an empowering anthem for loving yourself! THIS IS ME!
Lyrical Lesson
“It’s everything you ever want
It’s everything you ever need
And it’s here right in front of you
This is where you wanna be
This is where you wanna be”
What It Means To Me
Do you ever think “wow, I love my life”? If you don’t we have a problem and you need to fix it. Is there something getting you down,something you don’t like? Change it! You have the power and control to make the life you want. Of course there are times where things don’t seem to be going your way, but in general you should truly love your life! When I first heard this song it spoke to me, it truly did. Right now, living in my dream condo with a baby on the way is the most perfect place for me right now. It’s everything I’d ever want and everything I’d ever need.
Lyrical Lesson
“Will you share this with me?
‘Cause darling without you
All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the nightsky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it’ll
Never be enough
Never be enough”
What It Means To Me
This by far the most powerful song in The Greatest Showman. For starters the vocals are amazing, it gave me chills, but the message is so powerful. You can have everything in the whole wide world, but if you don’t have that special someone to share it with, it’s simply not enough. That special someone doesn’t have to be a romantic partner, it can be your best friend or your family. Sharing in life’s accomplishments are a little sweeter when you have that special someone with you. Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones, but my great accomplishments are so much more special when Mike is around 🙂
Lyrical Lesson
“And from now on
These eyes will not be blinded by the lights
From now on
What’s waited till tomorrow starts tonight
It starts tonight
And let this promise in me start
Like an anthem in my heart
From now on
From now on
From now on
And we will come back home
And we will come back home
Home, again!”
What It Means To Me
Home is where the heart is, don’t ever forget that. Through my younger years and even today the path called life can be rough. Sometimes you fall down and feel down in the dumps. You may lose sight of your end goals and what you are trying to accomplish. Along the way you may make bad decisions and hopefully you learn from them, but you have to get back on the right path and “Come Back Home.” It doesn’t necessary mean a physical place, it means the place where you feel safe and secure and at your best. It means being comfortable in your own skin and living to the best of your ability. You all know what your “home” feels like, go there when things don’t seem to be going your way. Above all, everything will always work itself out.
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