Hello friends! What a week it has been in Chicago. It started off with a snowstorm on Sunday. It seems a bit crazy to have snow this late in April, but I loved it! We stayed in all day, played with Lizzie, napped on and off, and cooked a delicious homemade spaghetti and meatball dinner. It was the perfect snowy Sunday (even in April)! The week progressed into 70 degree temps and sunshine. Which was amazing because I got to wear my new red flats!
Good weather just takes time to arrive. Which brings me to today’s post…Good Things Take Time. You’ve all heard the saying “good things come to those who wait.” It’s actually a misleading quote. While I firmly believe that good things do come to those who wait, I believe that the “good” comes because of what you are doing while you are waiting.
People aren’t waiting around for good things to happen, they are working behind the scenes to make them happen. Do you think Lori Greiner (I love her on Shark Tank and QVC) sat around waiting to become a huge success? No, she worked her tail off to get to where she is today. There was nothing overnight about her success.
Success doesn’t depend on luck, rather it is the work of your efforts. I absolutely hate when people say “well, they are just lucky” when success comes someone’s way. Luck has very little do do it with it. Success is based on efforts and energy. What you put in is exactly what you get out of it.
Let me show you what I mean in a real life example. Think of something you want in your life. It can be career related, financially focused or personal (maybe you are trying to find “the one”). Now only pick one right now, even if you have a few examples. It should be something you’ve wanted for a while and something you’ve been working towards, but hasn’t yet come to fruition.
So now that you have that in you head, write it down. Next write down all the things you have done in the past in order to achieve that “good thing.” If your list is blank I can help you out with that. If your list is full and the “good thing” hasn’t happened yet I can help you out too.
Ideas Take Time to Formulate
Maybe you haven’t given much thought on what you are trying to achieve. That’s ok, good ideas take time. Great ideas take effort in planning a specific task. Take the time to be thoughtful with your “good thing” you want to achieve. You will be working towards it so make it something you are passionate about.
Slow Down
Perhaps you’ve been working toward your “good thing” for a while and nothing is happening. It’s ok! You might need to just slow down. Let the rest of the world catch up with you. Sometimes we work so hard and fast that we put blinders on to the rest of the world. You could be missing the opportunity if you go to fast. So take a breath and relax! The name of the game is patience, discipline and steady hard work.
Keep Moving Forward
Always, always, always keep moving forward. There will always be setbacks in life, but don’t let them keep you down. Take them as they come and learn from them. Everything in life is a learning opportunity. Find the lesson in the good and the bad and grow from it. It will help you further down the road
Respect The Process
Nothing happens overnight so don’t set yourself up for defeat. Know that everything goes through a process and everyone is going through it at some point in their life. Rome wasn’t built in a day and your goals can’t be achieved in a day. Respect the process and know that you are working towards the end goal.
So what is the lesson in all of this? Good things do take time, however, it’s what you are doing with the time that matters the most. In other words, use your time wisely, keep moving forward. You can’t just sit around and wait for good things to happen, you need to make them happen!
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