What time do you wake up every morning? For me, I have a new wake up time the last few years. It is 5am. Yes, 5am! Don’t get me wrong, I love to hit the snooze button and have since I was a teenager. My parents still laugh about trying to get me up in the morning, even as a young adult living at home. What can I say, I love my sleep.
But getting up at 5am is actually refreshing. Starting the day that early means I’m up ahead of a lot of other people in a very busy city. I love getting up, looking out the window at the city below and seeing it in all its calm before the morning rush. Living in Chicago, there is always action on the streets, well into the wee hours of the morning, so seeing it a bit sleepy is very enjoyable.
Getting up at 5am allows me to ease into my day, instead of being thrown into it. Things are always easier when you are alert. Have you ever overslept? It’s not a good feeling, jumping out of bed not fully awake and rushing around trying to get things done. Slowly waking up is much better for your mind and body.
Getting up at 5am allows me to get something extra done in the morning for myself. Some days it may be having that first cup of tea while watching the sun rise. Or preparing a few things ahead of time for dinner to save time later on. I will also clean the house at 5am. It sounds crazy, but it’s quick to do. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything and there is nothing like coming home to a freshly cleaned house.
Getting up at 5am sets the tone and structure of my day. I love a good schedule and a good list to go with it. By getting up early I am able to walk through my day and ensure I have everything with me that I need. Did I pack my lunch? Do I have the right shoes? Did I press my clothes and are they ready to go? It allows me to avoid the rush and chaos of leaving the the house in a hurry.
Getting up at 5am makes me feel accomplished first thing in the morning. No matter what anyone says, it’s hard to get up at 5am and the fact that I do it is a huge accomplishment. I may not accomplish much some days, but when I realize I woke up at 5am I’m happy and feel good about it.
Getting up at 5am allows me ample time to get a workout in before the day even starts. It can really change your my life. It makes me have more energy for the day and I feel better knowing I got my workout out of the way before the day takes over. My body craves a good sweat in the morning.
Getting up at 5am allows me to get up before my baby does. I need to be able to have that extra start on my day. Once she get’s up, it’s all about her and then running out the door to work.
Now trust me, there are days when I know I can’t get up. Perhaps I’ve traveled a lot that week or I’ve been getting to bed late. I listen to my body and sleep in when I need to, but it’s not that often anymore. When I do get up at 5am I feel like I won at life even before the day has begun. I want you all to challenge yourself and get into a new routine and wake up early. What will you accomplish? I’d love to hear all about it.
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