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How are you guys doing? Are you settling into working from home? It has been a HUGE adjustment for me. It’s me, Mike and Lizzie working from home these days. It can been a struggle to work and provide a structured day for a one year old, but we are doing the best we can. Needless to say, I’ve also been struggling with getting dressed to work from home.
The days run into the nights and I feel like there is no separation between work and my personal life. Mainly because everything happens within the same room of the house. I’m also struggling big time with clothes and appearance. Are any of you in this boat? It’s all or nothing over here. I’m either fully dressed and ready to go or I’m looking like a hot mess 🙂
However, I’m really starting to come into my own with 4 weeks under my belt. I’ve figured out the loungewear look and you can read about that here. I’ve also figured out the work clothes situation and I’m sharing the details with you. I’m not getting fully dressed every single day, but I am trying to shoot for 3 days at a minimum to get fully dressed. I have to do it for me. I’m the girl that loves to get dressed for work and I miss my work clothes. I miss the way they look and feel, but I also miss the way they make me feel.
Why Getting Dressed To Work From Home Is Important
I’m a huge believer that your appearance affects how you work. If you are dressed for success you will succeed. If you are dressed to lay on the couch and watch movies all day that is most likely all you will accomplish. I’m sharing my 5 tips for getting dressed to work from home.
I’ve been preaching about this forever! The way you dress affects your mindset. I’ll admit I got fully dressed in college to go to class. I was one of the few gals in the sorority house that did. Wearing my sweats or scrubs wasn’t an option. If I was dressed and ready I was also ready to learn!
The same thing applies for work. I put in the effort to get dressed every day because I want to have a ready to go mindset. This applies at home too. If I am dressed and feel confident, that will show through in my work. I don’t want my work quality to decline because I’m at home, I still need to be sharp. And getting dressed helps set me up for success.
You know when you see someone out of context and it completely changes your opinion of them? Don’t be that person! Yes I love a makeup free day just like the next person, but I’m not going makeup free on a work video call. It may sound superficial, but I don’t care, I’m not doing it. Those makeup free days are reserved for Mike only, isn’t he lucky! The other reason I like to keep my hair and makeup done is the way it makes me feel. I just feel better about myself when I’m put together and there is nothing wrong with that.
Test Drive New Outfit Combos
Use the time at home to test out new outfit combos. I love to mix and match my items, but sometimes I lack the confidence to wear them out of the house. By testing driving them at home I can see how they work together and how I feel in them. Now is the time to pattern mix or wear high waisted pants with your shirt tucked in. Experiment with outfit options in the comfort of your home. You can alway break in those new shoes you have. The best part is, if you don’t like something you can just change whenever you want.
What is your normal morning routine? Mine is pretty simple, alarm goes off (snooze too long) and I get up. I do my hair and makeup, then I get Lizzie up, feed her, get her dressed then I get dressed and we are out the door to daycare and work. I have the routine down pat. While we aren’t leaving the house right now, my routine is still the same. Keeping a routine is good for my morale.
Keep on Schedule
My schedule is exactly the same at home as it is when I go to the office. I “get to work” at the same time and I “leave” at the same time. Just because I don’t have a commute doesn’t mean I’m tied to the computer. I do this to keep my sanity. I am literally working and living in the same room so I have to keep a schedule. My office habits are the same too. I keep the eating and tea drinking schedule the same. And to keep things real, I call or Facetime my co-workers during the day too. Being away from the office has made me realize that I really like my co-workers and I miss them.
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