Outfit Details:
It’s almost the weekend and boy do I need to just relax, grab brunch and CALM DOWN! Anyone else get all amped up about something super small and it escalates from there? And next thing you know you’re in a full blow panic? It happens to me from time to time. I can go from 0 to 100 pretty quick! Recently I posted 21 Lessons To Tell My 21 Year Old Self and found myself having to read it to my 38 year old self! My biggest struggle right now is comparing my beginning to someone else’s middle. Whether it’s work, life, or blogging, I just can’t stop. And let me tell you something, this is never a good idea, I repeat never a good idea!!!!
With any new goal you set, if you are going to accomplish it you need to get a good game plan together. Map out all the details and figure out a good timeline for accomplishing each task. Starting the first task that will take you on the journey to your goal is the most important step to take. If you never even start, the goal just sits there unattained.
Once you’ve started your goal and you’re on the path to accomplishing it, you will discover that it’s hard. You find out that it’s time consuming and you might not know as much as you thought you did. You may find that what comes easy to others may not come that easy to you. Or maybe you have to work a little harder to achieve the end goal and that could mean reading more or teaching yourself a new skill. It’s OK to take the time to teach yourself something new even if it slows down your progress. The value in that mini slow down will play out on the journey. By learning and applying your new skill you will have gained so much.
A lot of people base their value in life off of others and this is never a good idea. Why are you going to compare yourself to others? What is the point? They may be in the middle of their journey while you are just starting yours and that’s not a fair comparison. To compare yourself to someone who is not on the same path as you isn’t only harming your outlook, it’s stifling your progress and success! Why cloud your mind with negative thoughts, when your thoughts should be focused on the end goal? Save yourself the time and don’t do it.
It doesn’t matter what your goal is, whether its financial freedom, finding the one or starting a blog, just start on the journey and focus on the end goal. I found myself on all of these journeys and half the battle was telling myself not to worry about other people. But it’s hard to do. Negativity always will find a way to creep in. But you need to knock it down and don’t let it in.
Starting this blog was a huge dream of mine, and for the first couple of months I was on cloud nine. And then I let the compare game creep in. I started to compare myself to some of my favorite bloggers and always came up short. But these girls were years ahead of me, they weren’t a couple months into blogging. Everyone has to start somewhere and build their individual success from there.
What I’ve learned in the last nine months is everyone has dreams and goals and the people that start them are the ones that will find a way to achieve them. How long it takes to achieve them isn’t as important as what you learn about yourself along the way. And keep one thing in mind….
Don’t Compare Your Beginning to Someone Else’s Middle
I have so loved finding your blog and Instagram! (Thanks MMLaFleur stories!) Your words are striking such great chords of fun,style, and grace. Thank you for being classic – so many other channels are either too exorbitant or immature, ending up entirely unrelatable.
Christina I am so glad you found it too! It’s so good to hear you can relate to my posts (and my experiences), that is exactly why I started this. Your sweet words mean so much to me, thank you!