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Hello friends! Can you believe that baby Elizabeth has been here a whole month already? One month down, a lifetime to go! I can’t believe how fast time is going by. I know all new moms say that and I knew it was true, but it’s still surprising when it actually goes by so quick.
This might sound crazy, but I still can’t believe I have a baby. I’m not sure when it’s going to set in for me, but I don’t think it truly has yet. Transitioning into life with a baby has been relatively easy for me. It may sound nerdy, but it seems very natural for me. Perhaps it’s because I’m a bit older and was truly ready for this, or it could be that it’s always just been in my blood. It could also be that the wild hormones haven’t yet set in, so check back with me in a few weeks 🙂
Either way, I know that having a baby is a huge life change and no matter how easy or hard it is to adjust, there are lessons learned in those early days.
5 Things I Learned
Sleep Is Overrated
I can’t believe I’m writing this! If you know me, you know I love my sleep. I love a full 8-9 hours of sleep a night. Napping in the car or on the couch on the weekend is my jam! I could never get enough sleep. In fact sleep deprivation was one of my biggest fears while pregnant because everyone talks about how bad it is.
How was I going to get up in the middle of the night to feed my baby. I need sleep for God’s sake. The first few nights in the hospital it was easy to get up. The nurses were coming in so many hours to check vitals that I was just awake. The true test would be when we got home.
Waking up at midnight or 1am to feed her is hard, I have to set an alarm to get up. And yes I’m groggy and tired, but once I see that little face staring back at me in the bassinet I could care less that I’m up.
There’s Going To Be A Period Of Time Where You Can’t Do This
Ever since I can remember, I would tell Mike “there’s a period of time where we won’t be able to do this.” It’s a general statement I would make when I felt like something would soon be coming to an end. Whether it was staying out late for another drink or traveling to Europe as a newly married couple.
I say the same thing now with Elizabeth. There is going to be a period of time when I don’t get to hold her on my chest or wake up at 1am to feed her. So I’m going to enjoy every minute of it now. I want to enjoy the tiny newborn stage for as long as I can.
Mother’s Intuition Will Kick In Out Of Nowhere
I swear my Mom is psychic. She knows everything, even when I don’t. She has impeccable mother’s intuition. With hers being so strong I was nervous that mine wouldn’t be that strong or wouldn’t be there at all.
Let me tell you it magically kicks in out of nowhere. You will start to figure things out and just know the best course of action for your baby. It’s a little creepy how it happens, but it does.
I’ve also had an intense surge of protection for Elizabeth. I’ll admit I’m still riding in the backseat of the car, the bassinet is so close to my bed I have to crawl in from the foot of the bed, and I always have my hand on the stroller no matter where we are. Crazy? Maybe, but I feel the need the protect her from everything and that’s ok for now. Everyone is still settling into life.
It’s The Best Job You’ll Ever Have
I’ll be the first to admit that I enjoy working. I get great satisfaction getting dressed for work, going into an office, and doing a good job. In my professional life I believe that I’m at the top of my game and have a really good job that I like. Could it get any better? Yes…
My personal job as a mom is by far the best “job” I’ve ever had. Being able to provide for Elizabeth financially, emotionally and physically has been so fulfilling. I know I’m only one month in, but it is beyond rewarding!
You Only Have Two Hands
Yes, I love the baby snuggles, but sometimes I need to get stuff done! I’ve tried to wash dishes, switch out the laundry and make the bed with Elizabeth in one arm and my free hand working and guess what? It doesn’t work, you need two hands for a lot of tasks in life. Being able to put the baby in a safe space, where I can see her and still get stuff done is vital to living life. My saving grace has been the DockATot! It’s seriously life changing.
The DockATot is a life saver! I was blessed with a very sleepy baby (fingers crossed she stays that way) and having a secure place for her to sleep every day is important to me. DockATot is a multi-functional lounger, co-sleeper and playtime lounge that makes transitioning into life with a baby manageable.
I am able to place her in it in the morning and straighten up the bedroom. When I’m ready to move to the living room I take her and the DockATot out there and do a few things in the kitchen while she safely sleeps or wiggles around during awake time. I know she loves the snug feeling of the sides, as it makes her feel secure.
I’m a not a huge fan of co-sleeping, I believe the baby needs to sleep in her own space. Whether that’s the bassinet or her crib. The first couple days at home though, she cried hard at night. In order to calm her I placed the DockATot in the bed next to me. I watched her fall asleep and didn’t have to worry if I dozed off next to her.
DockATot Details
You can use the DockATot up to 36 months of age for your baby. It comes in two sizes; Deluxe + for children 0-8 months and Grand for children 9-36 months. It was designed in Sweden and is made in Europe. I actually tend to like European products a lot, they seem to be advanced with design and function while still meeting general standards. For example the DockATot has been tested for breathability, is 100% cotton and is OEKO-TEX certified. Which is a fancy way of saying its been tested for harmful chemicals and is safe for human use.
The best part is you can build your own DockATot too in four easy steps!
- First, select your Dock size (Deluxe for 0-8 Months, Grand 9-36 months).
- Second, select your cover, they have 20+ designs to choose from. I opted for the La Vei en Rose pattern, as it’s ultra girly with rich, bold colors.
- Third, select your accessories such as the toy arch and toys, there are three options for each.
- Fourth, pick up a carrying case, which is great for travel.
For me the DockATot is a must have for any new parent. It should be at the top of your registry. I know when my friends had babies I struggled to buy them something that was super useful. I wish I knew about the DockATot back then because I would have gotten one for each them.
As with motherhood, nothing goes as planned. While I love all the photos from the shoot, this one by far is my favorite!
And of course there are some pretty pictures too. But don’t be fooled this took a long time to shoot 🙂
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