Hi ladies! Can you believe it’s already Memorial Day? Where is the year going? As summer is getting ready to officially start, I’m excited for warmer date nights outside of the house (we loved winter date nights at home too), especially getting dressed for them. Date nights in the spring don’t involve knee high boots, heavy winter coats or large purses to hold your hat and gloves. They are filled with cute little blazers and clutches that carry your phone, wallet and lipstick. Speaking of clutches I just got this bright beautiful clutch in the mail and can’t wait to use it.
The idea of date night transcends time. It doesn’t matter what your life timeline is, date night is the one thing all us gals have in common. Whether you are married, seriously dating someone or just testing the waters on a dating app, knowing what to wear on a date can be stressful. In fact, it is probably more stressful than getting dressed for work.
I don’t have a secret formula for the perfect date night outfit (however I do have the secrete formula for the perfect brunch outfit) , but I do have two main things that need to go into picking out the perfect date night outfit…
Confidence and Comfort
I’m sure you were expecting actual clothing items and I’m sorry, I’ll show you that below 🙂 But the truth of the matter is a successful date night outfit comes from within!
You want to feel confident in your outfit and wear something that makes you feel like a million bucks. Confidences comes from within and when you truly feel it, it shows. You know that natural glow some women just have? It isn’t all fancy skin care, its confidence! Confidence also shines in your conversation, as you are aware of what you are saying and you naturally find the right words to use. Your body language also improves when you have confidence. You hold your head up high, your shoulders are square and not hunched over, and you literally sit up a little taller.
I find that getting a huge confidence boost comes from highlighting your best attribute or physical feature. This could be your smile and wearing a rocking shade of red lipstick like Gwen Stefani. For me, it’s my shoulders and I’ll be honest, showing them off makes me feel amazing! I’ve worked hard for these shoulders. I workout every morning (usually at 6am!) and I’ve been focusing on my arms and shoulders for for a while now. I want to show off my hard work and that makes me feel great. Think of something you have worked hard for or love to show off, and highlight that in your outfit.
No ladies, I’m not talking about wearing your comfy athleisure pants. I’m talking about how comfortable you are in your own skin . Being comfortable in your skin is the first step to being comfortable in your date night outfit. If you aren’t comfortable, it will show. You can’t fake it. Think of it this way…we all have that shirt we love to death, but it’s a tad bit short and half of the time you wear it, you are tugging at it, because you aren’t completely comfortable wearing it. That gets annoying over time and that annoyance starts to show. So I probably wouldn’t wear that on a date.
Think of things you love wearing. If you love rocking your jeans and feel your best in those jeans, then wear them on the date. If you wear something you aren’t comfortable in then you will be focused on that instead of the conversation and the person all night. Your comfort level will also show through, as people can tell whether you are comfortable or not. I’m not saying to always stay inside your box, but a date night outfit might not be the best time to test out the latest trend or over the top fad. Save that for a night out with the ladies. Chances are they will appreciate the effort of that outfit more that your man.
Looking adorable! I am obsessed with those styles. I like your article so much. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Amanda, I’m so glad you like it!