I finally jumped on the bandwagon and picked up a couple pair of blue light glasses. Several of my co-workers had them and claimed they worked and I had to try it out for myself. I’ll cut to the chase and let you know up front I firmly believe they work and are worth the purchase. Blue light glasses are inexpensive and offer several options to switch up your look, which is why I like them!
Should You Wear Blue Light Glasses?
Pretty much everything we surround ourselves with omits blue light. Computers, TVs, tablets and phones. I’m probably on a device 10+ hours of the day and I can feel the stress on my body. I suffer from ocular migraines and they are triggered by stress and excessive use of mobile devices. I know exactly when they are coming and they usually knock me out for an entire day. It’s not fun at all. And I have to lay low on the devices after I have one.
I’ve been doing my best to reduce my migraines and that comes with limiting my screen time. You can actually read about how I limit my screen time in this post here (I also wrote about screen time in kids, you can find it here). When I can’t limit my screen time I am taking precautions to protect my eyes. That includes wearing my blue light glasses to protect my eyes from harmful blue light.
What Is Blue Light?
Blue light is actually everywhere, from the sun to the screens we stare at all day long. When you break it down, blue light is exactly what it says it is. It is light with blue wavelengths that can be beneficial during daylight, in moderation, and harmful at night. When you look at the big picture any electronic device emits far less blue light than the sun, but the time spent in front of these devices is the problem.
The most harmful blue light is from the following sources and it factors in the time we spend in front of them.
- Fluorescent light
- CFL (compact fluorescent light) bulbs
- LED light
- Flat screen LED televisions
- Computer monitors, smart phones, and tablet screens
Benefits of Blue Light Glasses
Now the FDA does not regulate blue light glasses and the Academy of Ophthalmology doesn’t support or reject the use of blue light glasses. And I am not an eye expert, but I’m a me expert and I can tell you what I feel when I use them and why they are beneficial to me.
Relieve Eye Discomfort
During the day I can feel my eyes working hard to focus on my computer screen. They get dry, tired and red pretty often. It doesn’t stop there. My eye fatigue causes headaches, which for me are brutal. Wearing my blue light glasses prevents the eye strain for me. My eyes feel less tired at the end of the day. And the frequency of my headaches has decreased dramatically.
Sleep Better
I’m guilty of being on my computer or phone within three hours of bedtime. In fact I’m typing this post at 9:45pm. I also scroll through my phone while laying in bed, which is a huge no no for your sleep health. The blue light coming from your device messes with your natural circadian rhythm cycle, affecting sleep and your overall well being. By wearing the blue light glasses I am blocking those harmful rays in the evening when it is the most important.
Switch Up My Look
If anything, blue light glasses give me options to switch up my look. And being on Zoom for the majority of my day, it’s fun! I love the options they offer for a cheap price. I do have prescription glasses for distances and usually wear them while looking at the computer to help with my eye strain. However the blue light glasses give me everything I need and add a fun option to my look. I have a clear pair, which are my favorite, as well as a light tortoise pattern. My glasses come in a two pack and only cost $12, you can find them here.
Should You Be Wearing Blue Light Glasses?
We all know that the experts claim no benefits to wearing them, however I can tell you from my experience what I think. While I love expert opinions, I do value regular people’s opinions too, so here are mine.
- Do I think blue light glasses work? YES
- Could it be a placebo effect and all in my head? YES
- Do I think they harm me? NO
- Do they enhance my device experience? YES
- Will I continue to wear blue light glasses? YES
Check out the blue light glasses that I own and LOVE!
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