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Hello friends! I discovered something about myself the other week. It’s something that you and I may have in common. I make decisions about things without knowing the full facts or even trying things out. I know I’m not being open minded. The best part is that I already know this about myself because I do it all the time with restaurants, clothes and even life experiences.
I form an opinion in my head about a certain restaurant, without even trying it. For example, take Le Colonial in Chicago. Mike always wanted to go there since we started dating and I always said no. I claimed that it wasn’t a cuisine I like even though I never tried it. We finally went this past winter and guess what? I do like the cuisine. In fact, I love it! I am dying to go back there again.
I do the same thing with fashion. I’ll be completely honest and say that I NEVER saw myself in a jumpsuit. And here I am loving this Everlane jumpsuit (you can read about the jumpsuit here and see how I styled it for work here). For starters, I’m 5’9 with long legs and a short torso, I believe I will never find a jumpsuit that will fit me. I also think I will look completely stupid in a jumpsuit because it will be too short.
When it comes to clothes, I love fitted clothing. I find that wearing fitted clothes makes me look and feel smaller then I actually am. If I wear something baggy I feel frumpy. I wear fitted clothes to accentuate my shape and highlight the curves I like on my body. Wearing a head to toe skin tight jumpsuit may look odd so I always passed on the jumpsuit. Again, I’m not being open minded.
I sat here and watched the jumpsuit take off, and saw that everyone was wearing one. From the dressy options that people wear to weddings to the super loose casual kind that people wear running around town. I made a decision that the hottest trend this spring and summer was something that wasn’t for me. And I made this decision without even trying on one jumpsuit. Just like the restaurant I talked about above. You see the similarities here?
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, I am passing up something because I am afraid to try it on. That is insane! I could easily go to the store and try one on at anytime, and it would take 5 minutes to do. But I never did it. When I say it out loud it sounds completely stupid.
What else am I passing up in life because I don’t want to try it? I’m sad to say the list is a little too long. What am I doing in life? I’m passing up opportunities because I’m too lazy or afraid to try them and I’m making a decision without knowing the full facts. I’m not being open minded. Stop the nonsense!
Since wearing and loving my jumpsuit I now give everything a chance and try it before making up my mind. If I try something and I don’t like it, then I get to form that opinion. I’m done passing up opportunities because I’m afraid or lazy to try it. I’m really making an effort at being open minded.
I never knew one jumpsuit could change my whole outlook on life, but it did! I actually own two now. My comfy one is this adorable grey one. And that jumpsuit that changed my perspective is the Everlane GoWeave Essential Jumpsuit. I suggest you try it out, it’s clearly life changing!
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