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And baby makes three….there is no hiding this anymore…Mike and I are expecting our first child in early February! I can’t hardly believe it, we are having a baby! We couldn’t be more excited to get moving on this great adventure in our life. In true Later Ever After fashion I waited till I was 38 to do this and I’m so happy I did.
You all know I’m a bit of a late bloomer 🙂 Mike and I met when we were both older and knew we wanted to have kids one day. We also both knew that we wanted to live out those early newlywed days kid-free and enjoy them too. Just because I got married at 35 didn’t mean that I wanted to lose those early years of being married. I wanted to travel and I wanted to build our life together, even though we were older. Getting married when you are older doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice those things. You just get to enjoy them later in life.
I knew making this choice to enjoy being married and delay having a child meant that having a child could be more difficult. I wasn’t getting any younger, but I was willing to deal with whatever life brought me. Whether it was naturally having a child, doing IVF or adopting a child we would have a baby somehow one day. If I had Mike by my side everything else would fall into place, I truly believed that.
So here we are having a baby a little bit later in life and thrilled about it! It doesn’t matter to me because I’ve always done things the way I wanted to, on my own life timeline. After all, that is what this whole blog is about and I’m happy to share my experiences with you and learn from yours as well.
More to come from me on the baby front, but most important I want to stay true to myself and this blog and write about life timelines. It is so important to follow your heart and ignore everyone else and their opinions. I’d also love to hear from you. What peaks your interest as we start this journey as first time parents, a little bit later in life?
Here are some fun facts about my pregnancy so far…
- Due Date: Early February
- Gender of the Baby: We found out pretty early on through a blood test. Both of us had no feelings either way on the gender. We just wanted a healthy baby, but we are having a GIRL.
- Best Part Of Being Pregnant: The reactions we get when we tell people. There truly is no greater joy than to see the reactions of our parents and friends. My very dear friend cried immediately and it was the sweetest thing ever!
- How Am I Feeling: Pretty good, a little morning sickness and extreme exhaustion. We laugh though because I’m a tired person naturally. Taking a two hour nap on a Saturday is kind of normal for me. I live by the motto “we run things, things don’t run we” (from the great philosopher Miley Cyrus!). I’ve been pushing through and not letting any symptoms hold me back.
- Names: We have a few in mind, but aren’t sharing until she arrives. It’s way more fun that way!
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