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How much have you guys been reading about clean eating, clean beauty and even clean sleeping? There is so much information out there about being clean and healthy it can be a bit of overload sometimes. I found that doing a lot or research and talking to your doctor can be the most beneficial.
Before becoming pregnant I didn’t even think twice about taking vitamins. I always felt perfectly healthy so I didn’t feel the need to add a supplement to my body. Actually, I was a bit hesitant to take prenatal vitamins. Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but I’ve been perfectly healthy for years and those good genes would take me through pregnancy. After talking with the doctor, sharing my thoughts and doing some of my own research I decided I should start to take prenatal vitamins.
A fun fact about me, I need to come to my own decision on just about everything. So even if the doctor tells me time and time again to take vitamins, I’m not going to do it until I come to the decision myself. I do the same thing with Mike and life decisions. We laugh about it all the time. He will bring up a good valid point, I won’t agree and then days or weeks later I’ll bring up the same point and decide its a good idea.
The doctor recommend any vitamin as long as it had 400 mcg of folic acid in it. So I researched and found a brand that I truly liked, Rainbow Light.They are from the parent company Nutranext and these vitamins are made especially for women in their first 1000 days of pregnancy. I know what you are thinking, women aren’t pregnant for 1000 days, but hear me out on this one.
Rainbow Light features vitamins for all the stages in your life that encompass the 1000 days of “pregnancy” . From prenatal, first trimester, second trimester, third trimester and postpartum, these vitamins have you covered. Think of it as the 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and her child’s 2nd birthday. They offer a unique window of opportunity to shape a healthier and more prosperous future.
Each series is specifically designed with the nutrients you need in that stage of life. Take the first trimester blend for example, they added in natural ginger to help with morning sickness.
I just popped open my third trimester bottle of Rainbow Light vitamins. I can’t believe how fast things are moving along. This stage of vitamins are packed with a special form of calcium to promote healthy digestion. It also has 133% of your daily value of vitamin D, which is great since I know I don’t get enough vitamin D daily.
For now I’m taking vitamins through my entire pregnancy. I’m still a little on the fence about continuing a daily vitamin once the baby is here. I’ll obviously be researching and consulting with my doctor (as you all should be) and will come to the decision on my own, in my own timeline.
Do you guys take vitamins daily and if so what are you taking?
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