One of my all time favorite blog posts to read are “lessons to tell my younger self.” Just about everyone has written one, including me (you can find it here) and they are always so insightful. They are usually lessons that you learn in your 30’s and want to tell your mid-twenty self. Well, times have changed and I’m almost 40, ok I just turned 39, but it’s getting close. I can’t believe that I’m 39 and there are things I’m just learning now. If you’ve been following me for a while you will know that I am a late bloomer, I always have been. I could really use some advice on getting older.
I didn’t get married until I was 35 and just had a baby at 38! Part of me was a little scared to do all these things later in life. Being older and accomplishing all these things has it’s benefits, but it also means change at an older age. Change in general is hard and sometimes it can hold you back. Over the years I have learned that change is actually good and while difficult, it is necessary. Change allows you to grow and embrace new beginnings. It also allows you to reflect on the past and see how you have grown from it.
Would the change in my life be a little easier if I could see into the future? Probably, but no one can tell what the future holds. I personally wouldn’t want to know what my whole future holds, but a few heads up on things would be nice. So this isn’t advice for a younger me, it’s advice for an older me. And for you too. It’s some advice on getting older. As you move towards your 30’s and beyond there a few things that will come with that territory. Knowing these in advance may prepare you little bit better.
People’s True Colors Are Shown in Three Major Life Events
There are three major life events that will leave you questioning people in general. These events are weddings, babies, and death. Your best friends and your general acquaintances will surprise you during these events. The people you think will be overjoyed with emotion and support during these events may not act that way. On the other hand, people who you barely know may have the most loving response ever.
Both actions will shock you in very different ways. And the emotions related to these will also shock you. The one thing that you need to keep in mind is that you can’t be upset with the actions of others. If someone didn’t meet your expectations, it’s not their fault if you didn’t share those expectations with them.
The best thing you can do is note the experience, feel the emotions associated with it, and move on. There is no sense is dwelling on how others act, there are so many other things to do!
Weekends Will Change For The Better
Weekends don’t get boring when you get older, they get better! The idea of staying in all weekend long would have given me a panic attack a few years ago. Now, it’s the most delightful thing in the entire world!
All I need is to be in my home and I love it. I actually love my condo, I love it like a human. We wanted to live in this particular building for so long, so when we finally got into it’s as if a dream came true. I also love the people in my condo…my family.
Hanging out with my family is the best thing in the entire world. Time literally flies by on the weekend. Whether it’s breakfast in bed or a playtime session with Elizabeth on the floor, time is going too fast. Running errands around town can wait until another day, plus with my new Amazon Prime membership I never need to leave the house or spend time away from my favorite people.
Rise and Shine Will Have a Whole New Meaning
In your younger years, rise and shine meant getting up, getting in a good workout followed by brunch and hanging out with your friends and practicing some self care. (If you need self care ideas I did a whole post about it earlier this year, you can find it here) That actually does sound enjoyable.
Rise and shine later in life means getting up at 5am, just to get up and enjoy the day. It also means that you get to spend those early morning moments with your family, if they are up too. Getting up early lets you set your intention for the day.
I also love to get up early and head outside, when it’s warm! Being out in my neighborhood before it starts to get busy is the best feeling. I love the slow calm of the city in the early morning. Plus the cutest dogs get walked early in the morning!
Your Career Will Not Be Your Focus and That’s Ok
You’ve worked your tail off for years, early mornings and late nights at the office. Replying to any email that comes in at all hours of the night. Your career has been the main priority in your life and rightfully so. There will come a time where your career may not be the main priority in your life.
There may be time where you are comfortable in your job and not feel the need to advance yourself and go above and beyond all the time. It’s completely ok to just do your job, do it well, and go home. You don’t always have to be trying to get to the next level.
It might be hard to navigate this as others around you at work may be making their career their focus. You can’t compare yourself to your co-workers. What you can do is admire their drive and celebrate their successes. You do need to take note of their hard work and duplicate that in the future when you are ready for the next steps. Remember to never slack at work, keep the pace and continue to do your job well.
Taking Care Of Yourself Will Be Your Priority
Putting yourself and your health first will become a priority at some point in your life. You need to invest in yourself first then worry about everyone else. Investing in yourself can take several paths. It can be financially, emotionally and health related. Doing this means that you may have to say no to people and things. It’s ok to say no, just keep in mind that some people may not understand or like that you say no.
You will struggle with putting yourself first. It may feel like you are letting others down, but you have to get over that. If you are not at your best then how can you support and maintain healthy relationships? Keep in mind the relationship you have with yourself will be the longest one you are in, so put the effort in where it matters.
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