Age is truly just a number. I’m turning 38 this year and I really can’t believe it. It kind of sounds old and at the same time I don’t feel that old. It feels like I graduated college just the other day, but in reality it was 16 years ago! Crazy how time flies and goes by in the blink of an eye. Looking back I feel that in those 16 years I have lived a lifetime and learned so much. I have truly come into my own and grown to be comfortable in my own skin and with my own life timeline. That doesn’t mean that I knew the answers to everything back then. I learned a lot of lessons along the way and I’m still learning today. If I could talk to my 21 year-old self I would share these 21 lessons with her.
Get to know people in your industry, in your condo building and in your neighborhood. The more people you know, the better. You don’t have to be best friends with everyone. Having a wide array of people you know will make you a better version of yourself.
Save Money
Save money every month, even if it’s just $20. You have to start the habit somehow. One day you might want to use that money for a large purchase like a car, home or wedding.
Travel More
Travel as much as you can, whether its domestic or internationally. Get out and see the world, as it’s eye opening what else is out there. I started traveling internationally in the last 4 years and I wish I started earlier.
Spend Less Time on Social Media
Don’t live on social media. It’s easy to fall into the trap of scrolling through your Instagram account and looking at fancy pictures. Put the phone down and go out there and live a little. Explore the true social part of the world by seeing and experiencing it yourself.
Don’t Make Someone a Priority That Doesn’t Make You One
If someone doesn’t have the time for you, then don’t bend over backwards to make time for them. This goes for anyone you are dating or your friends. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but a necessary one.
Call, Don’t Text
Talking on the phone has never been my strong suit, I’m a secret Millennial that way. But talking on the phone is good for you. It develops interpersonal skills and allows you to hear people’s reactions and gauge your response. You can’t text everyone at your corporate job so start practicing now!
Friendships Will Change
Your friendships will change no matter what. You may actually change as a person and so will your friends, or worse, maybe they won’t change. People will get married, have kids, get divorced and remarried and those events will change things. You’ll have to learn to navigate these new friendships and potentially step away from some.
People Will Surprise You
You will be surprised by people and it will be a hard pill to swallow. People you thought would support you through difficult life events, new careers and opportunities may not be present during those times. On the flip side, people you never thought would be overly supportive will be there for you. You’ll be surprise either way.
Don’t Compare Your Beginning to Someone Else’s Middle
It’s hard not to compare yourself to your friends, but chances are none of you are on the extract same life timeline. It’s not fair to yourself to compare where you are in life with someone who is doing something different. Look at me. I started a blog 6 months ago, so I can’t compare my readership to girls who have been doing it for years. It’s apples and oranges and they will never match.
There’s Going To Be A Period Of Time When You Can’t Do Things
Don’t put off what you can do today until tomorrow. Live in the moment and live life to the fullest. There is going to be a period of time when you may not be able to do things. So go out on a random Tuesday for margaritas with your friends, in a few years your friends might not live in the same city.
Good Things Come To Those Who Hustle
You know the old saying good things come to those who wait? Well, waiting is overrated. So go out there, grab the bull by the horns and hustle your rear end off. Hard work truly does pay off and working hard will bring you good things.
Failing Is Winning
Sounds a bit backwards right? Think of it this way, if you didn’t actually try to do something how would you know you can succeed? You wouldn’t. So get out there and try. The worst you can do is fail, which is better than not trying at all.
Trust Your Gut
Your intuition is almost always right, so trust it. If our internal sensors go off trust them and take action based on it. For example if your dating someone and they seem shady and their story is shady, don’t make excuses for them. Trust your gut, move them to the side, and get on with your life.
Everything Will Be Ok
Life can sometimes be rough and it can feel like nothing is going to change or nothing is going to go your way. While it’s hard to put your mind at ease you need to know that everything will always be ok. Things always work out and sometimes to your advantage. Time can be your best friend and worst enemy.
Read More, Listen M0re
It’s a go, go, go world, but take the time to slow down. Put down the phone and read a book or better yet, put down the phone and listen to the full conversation with your friend. Be present in the moment or life will pass you by. Whatever is on your phone can wait, that person sitting right in front of you may not.
Struggling Makes You Stronger
It’s good to struggle, it makes you a stronger person. Struggling to make ends meet right out of college or after a job change? Its ok, you will figure it out somehow and survive. I worked two jobs, seven days a week and ate cereal for dinner to make ends meet when I was in my twenties. It was hard, but I did it and now I’m stronger for it.
The Less Money You Make, The More Money You’ll Have
Out of college I landed a job that paid $28K a year. Sounds like a small amount, but I felt like I was a millionaire. I was very careful with my money and watched every penny. Now that I make more money I may not watch it as carefully as I should.
Quality Over Quantity
This simple theory holds true to just about everything in life. Whether its friendships or material possessions, quality always wins! I’d much rather have a hand full of friends that support me and be there when I needed them rather than a dozen friends that may or may not show up. Sames hold true for material possessions, a classic purse that you use and love everyday is better than 5 bags you kind of like and barely use.
Focus On Experiences, Not Things
When you look back at life are you going to remember the 20 pairs of shoes you had or that awesome trip you took to Paris? I bet it’s the trip. While you need things to live, don’t let those things get in the way of living life. I’d much rather spend money on experiences I’m going to remember and cherish for a lifetime, like traveling the world.
Learn To Say No
Whether it’s in your personal life or professional life, it’s ok to say no. You don’t have to do everything everyone asks you to and you shouldn’t be expected to. Know your limits and if you truly can’t attend a party or help someone out it’s ok to say no.
Don’t Let Someone Else Control Your Emotions
We’ve all been there, maybe someone says something rude to you in the morning and it puts you in a bad mood all day…why? It shouldn’t because you and only you control your emotions. You make a choice to be happy or crabby every day. Don’t let something that takes 5 minutes of your day ruin the other 1,435 minutes you have left. It just doesn’t make sense.
Did you know all 21 lessons? Maybe you have one that I didn’t mentioned. I’d love to hear them, share them below.
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